Our Partners

Community Partners

Through all its work, Vikalp strives to familiarize the community in human rights through the collectivization of women and by developing various regular activities that bring the groups together. For more information regarding the self-sustainable groups Vikalp has created, please click here. The organization also seeks to support and create awareness on the centrality of sexuality with people outside the core target community. Providing trainings for premier institutions of higher education in India (IIM, Universities), as well as with medical professionals, the media, and other non-profits. Vikalp had also been a part of the proceedings for setting up an institute of pluralism in Ahmadabad.

National and International Organizations

Advocacy Project: For the last three years, Vikalp has partnered with the Washington DC-based Advocacy Project which provides support and information technology to community-based organizations. You can learn more about the project through the blogs of our 2013 Peace-fellows Andra Bosneag and Jasveen Bindra. Aman Network: In an effort to overcome domestic violence, Vikalp has become a part of a national network called Aman. The collective effort is to see how the law on domestic violence can become an effective tool for protection of women. Vikalp was able to give useful inputs in particular for instances when women married to men in foreign countries and how those can be better tackled.


The Global Fund for Women
Funds for Global Human Rights (FGHR)
Gujarat State AIDS Control Society (GSACS) In the past, Vikalp has also received support and funding from the following:
Solidarity and Action Against the HIV Infection in India (SAATHII)
Azim Premji Foundation
Humsafar Trust